Membership of the Nigerian Hypertension Society is open to all medical and non-medical individuals with an interest in hypertension. The categories of membership are as follows:

  • a)

    Ordinary members comprise medical and dental practitioners, medical scientists and health professionals.

  • Requirements: Certificate of qualification and registration with relevant regulating bodies.

  • b)

    Corporate members such as pharmaceutical and non-medical organisations.

  • Requirements: Certificate of registration with relevant regulating bodies and/or Corporate Affairs Commission.

  • c)

    Honorary members who shall be non-health professionals elected in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the field of hypertension. 

  • Requirements include evidence of significant contributions to the Society.

  • c)

    Emeritus members

  • Requirements include attainment of 70 years of age and/or evidence of retirement from civil service and significant contributions to the Society.

Procedure for Admission of Members

An intending member shall be nominated and seconded by financially up-to-date members. The application shall be processed by the membership committee that will in turn make recommendations to the Governing Council. The Council shall present the member to the AGM for ratification and admission into the Society by the President.

Membership Category, Benefits and Dues. Dues will be reviewed as may be required



Annual Dues (Naira)

Ordinary member ( Full Membership)

Participation in Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference (AGM/SC).

Participation in Hypertension Seminar.

Access to NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.


Corporate membership

Participation AGM/SC.

Product presentation at AGM/SC.

Pharmaceutical/Product stand at AGM/SC.

Participation in Hypertension Seminar.

Access to NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.



Participation AGM/SC.

Participation in Hypertension Seminar.

Access to NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.

NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.



Participation AGM/SC.

Participation in Hypertension Seminar.

Access to NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.

NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.



Participation in Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference (AGM/SC).

Participation in Hypertension Seminar.

Access to NHS/ISH/WHL bulletin.


Apply for Membership